Umbrella & Partners - Executive Search for the Lighting Industry
Resources - Recruitments & Interim positions
We are 100% specialized in recruitment and interim solution for the lighting industry.
We provide a wide range of interim solutions, Executive search and specialized recruitment focused specifically on positions within the lighting industry.
We offer our clients and our candidates the best possible match where also our extensive experience from the industry provides a massive advantage in terms of having a fast and qualified process where we identify special needs and find solutions while minimizing risk.
Collectively we have more than 80 years in the Lighting industry and our extensive network provides our clients with access to all skill sets and great professionals in the industry.
From recruitment and staffing to tailored consulting and career guidance – at Umbrella & Partners, we give people the conditions to grow and develop in the lighting industry. Because when people grow and feel valuable, companies' competence and profitability grow!
Whats your new challenge?
Looking for a new job in the lighting industry, open to new challenges, or want information on the latest positions? Register in Umbrella & Partners' candidate database and make your profile visible to players in the lighting industry. You will always be anonymous based on the profiling done for our clients, and we will of course contact you for consent before possibly sharing your name and suggesting you as a candidate!Available positions
Recruitments & Interim positionsOpen application.
Looking for a new job in the lighting industry or just open for new challenges? Register in Umbrella & Partners' candidate database and make your anonymous profile visible to players in the lighting industry.